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The Technical Scholars program provides qualified students the opportunity to take career & technical education (CTE) courses through CMU Tech.

Through a partnership with Mesa County School District 51, qualified high school juniors and seniors enroll in classes at CMU Tech and earn credit toward high school graduation while concurrently earning college credit toward a technical major.

  • The courses are taught by instructors with industry experience.
  • Available to students in participating high schools enrolled in specific CTE courses.
  • The courses are offered for both high school and college credit.
  • Students may enroll for college credit and earn credit by meeting specific course competencies.
  • Technical Scholars students are financially responsible for applying for the College Opportunity Fund (COF) stipend to offset their tuition.

Steps to becoming a Technical Scholar for Fall 2024

Step 2

Complete an interest form

Complete the Tech Scholar Interest Form by February 16 if you want to take courses at CMU Tech.
  1. Complete Interest Form

Step 3


Social Security number required to complete application.
Complete the Concurrent Student Application to be eligible for all concurrent options.
  1. Complete your application to CMU

    Call or stop by Student Services for help.

Step 4

Watch for Updates

  1. Check your CMU email

    Watch your CMU email for important updates about your application and the Technical Scholars program.

Transportation & Tuition

  • Bus transportation is provided between District 51 high schools and CMU Tech.
  • Students in most programs do not pay for tuition or textbooks.
  • Students choosing to take CTE courses that are scheduled for college students may be required to course fees and purchase their own textbook. Student Services can help to determine if this applies to you.
  • Students are required to pay a nominal yearly fee, dependent on their chosen program.
    • Students on Free or Reduced Lunch may have their program fees waived.

Career and Educational Pathways

  • Great introduction to CTE classes offered at CMU Tech
  • Many programs provide the opportunity to earn an academic or industry certificate by the student's high school graduation.
  • Build a foundation for many Associate of Applied Science degrees at CMU Tech.
  • Initiate a pathway to a bachelor's degree at Colorado Mesa University.